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What do the OneDrive icons mean?


The Microsoft OneDrive icons in desktop notification areas, menu bars, Windows File Explorer and macOS Finder tell you the sync state of the file or folder.

Blue circle with an "i"

If you see a blue circle with an informational letter "i" in it over a OneDrive cloud icon in the notification area, it means there are new messages about how best to use OneDrive, or to inform you about new or unused features.

Select the OneDrive cloud icon to see any messages and actions to take.

Red circle with white cross




A red circle with a white cross means that a file or folder cannot be synchronized. You will see this in File Explorer or on the OneDrive notification area icons.

Gray OneDrive cloud icon with a line through it

A grayed-out OneDrive icon with a line through it means you are not signed in, or OneDrive setup has not been completed. 

Press  , search for OneDrive and then open the OneDrive desktop app.

OneDrive paused icon.



The paused symbol over the OneDrive or OneDrive for work or school icon means your files are not currently synchronizing.

To resume syncing, select the relevant OneDrive icon in the notification or menu bar area, select More and then Resume syncing.

OneDrive icon with sync pending arrows. 



The circular arrows over the OneDrive or OneDrive for work or school notification icons signify that sync is in progress. This includes when you are uploading files, or OneDrive is synchronizing new files from the cloud to your PC.

Sync icons can also be seen online on

Red with white bar OneDrive icon

If you see a red "no entry" style icon over your OneDrive icon, it means your account is blocked.

Yellow exclamation mark OneDrive icon


If you see a yellow warning triangle over your OneDrive or OneDrive for work or school icon, it means your account needs attention. Select the icon to see the warning message displayed in the activity center.

Files with this icon will not synchronize.

You may see this icon if you sign in to OneDrive with a work or school account. It means your admin has blocked the sync of certain file types. It is most common to block Outlook data files.

People icon next to a file or folder

If you see a "people" icon next to your OneDrive files or folders, this indicates the file or folder has been shared with other people.

Blue cloud icon

A blue cloud icon next to your OneDrive files or folders indicates that the file is only available online. Online-only files do not take up space on your computer.

Green tick icons


When you open an online-only file, it downloads to your device and becomes a locally available file. You can open a locally available file anytime, even without Internet access. 

Solid green circle with the white check mark

Files that you mark as "Always keep on this device" have a green circle with the white check mark.


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